Ms L Balchin
Head of Careers, Work Related Learning and Vocational Learning
01462 621200
Careers Education
‘The best way to predict the future is to prepare for it.’
At Fearnhill, our vision for careers education is to widen horizons, challenge stereotypes and raise aspirations. We aim to provide young people with the knowledge and skills necessary to make successful transitions into the next stage of their life, to connect learning to the future and in so doing, motivate young people to understand and navigate a clear pathway to rewarding future jobs and careers.
Careers education is an integral part of the PSHE programme, with specific programmes for each year group. The careers education programme aims to prepare students for working life after school and help them develop to their full potential. Activities are aligned with the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks which are current, best practice delivery for careers education and guidance in schools.
For more information about the support offered by Services for Young People visit the jobs & careers section of their website.
To request an appointment with the personal adviser, students should speak to Mrs Balchin or their form tutor.
We compile and send out a fortnightly newsletter – Careerfile – which is packed full of the latest careers advice and opportunities.
We are always looking for ways to engage our students in work related learning experiences and through employer interaction. If you feel you could offer work experience, a talk or a number of sessions regarding your business, employability skills and/or how to be successful in the work place, please get in touch by emailing admin@fearnhill.herts.sch.uk and writing ‘employer engagement’ in the subject line.
Please see below for details of our whole school careers programme.
In Year 7, students experience Enterprise Day, developing their personal skills and qualities, exploring the JED careers software, investigating future careers and qualification routes, as well as taking part in an ‘Apprentice’ style hat design competition.
In Year 8, students take part in ‘Take your Sons and Daughters to Work Day’. This helps to grow links between work and school. Students also benefit from Services for Young People personal advisor interviews.
Year 9 focuses on Key Stage 4 options preparation, looking at future routes, learning styles, decision making and of course options evening. There is a trip to the University of Hertfordshire as well as Services for Young People personal advisor interviews.
YEARS 10 & 11
Students prepare for one week’s work experience in March (WEX). This involves looking at what employers want, expectations of the work place, health and safety, application forms, Link 2 database search, LMI and writing letters to employers. There are also RAF talks, trips to careers events and access to the Barclays Business mentors scheme. Services for Young People personal advisor interviews are also available.
In Year 11 support is offered around Post 16 option choices and routes-college, sixth form, apprenticeships, and Labour Market Information (LMI). CV writing and interview skills are covered, as well as options evening and Enterprise Day. For this, students set up a business to tender for the school prom. There is an Interview Day with external employers, a sixth form buddy scheme to support learning, apprenticeship talks and the Barclays Business mentors scheme. All students have the opportunity for a Services for Young People personal advisor interview.
Student Pathways in Hertfordshire – post 16
YEARS 12 & 13
Students continue their Careers, Education and Guidance programme within their PSHE lessons in the sixth form. Information and advice on options after 18 is available in the Sixth Form Study Area.
Alumni Event
To celebrate National Careers Week, we invited 54 ex students to attend out Alumni Event on Friday 7th March 2025, for years 8-13. This successful event is held every year. Download our handbook here.
Labour Market Information – Click on the widget tab and select the Careerometer
Amazing Apprenticeships Parents’ Zone
Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal
Five practical ways to improve your CV
How to balance work and study as a student
How to help your child with job applications
Job versus career: what’s the difference and why should I plan ahead?
What are soft skills and why are they important?
University and Your Future – Career Planning and Making the Most of Your Degree Course.
Sixth Formers Guide to Degree Apprenticeships
Please click here for the Application for Provider Access document.
Please click here for the Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance policy.