EPQ is designed as a “stretch and-challenge” opportunity in addition to the standard three choices of subject, to investigate a topic beyond the normal confines of an A Level qualification. It demonstrates that you have some of the key skills required for university study and provides good evidence to include in a UCAS personal statement.

What will I study?

The choice is yours! You can produce an EPQ on almost anything. You choose the topic, develop a question/hypothesis, complete the research and then produce a 5000 word essay or artefact/production. This might be a painting, a series of photographs, an item of clothing, or even a website. You will be taught how to research, how to evaluate your sources and reference them, and then how to present your argument or finished piece. The final presentation requires learning important presentation skills.

How will I be assessed?

The skills being assessed are those of planning, independent research, analysis and synthesis of material, and the ability to reflect on your learning. The essay or artefact is accompanied by a detailed form which provides evidence of all these skills. At the end you will also give a presentation. The qualification is completed in Year 12.

Where could this take me?

Universities value students who undertake an Extended Project, mainly because the skills involved are those which they believe are important for students to access degree courses successfully. There are UCAS Tariff Points available. An A* grade can be achieved. For some universities, the points count fully, whilst for more competitive universities, the Extended Project could be the deciding factor when it comes to making an offer to an applicant. Other universities make students a lower A Level offer when combined with an EPQ. The Extended Project also provides students with useful skills for the workplace. These include project management, organisation, and presentation skills.