Sixth Form Film Experience

Fearnhill sixth former Lisa Alaba spent an ‘amazing’ day in London experiencing what a career in film is like.

Lisa, who hopes to study Film and Television Production at university, travelled to the up market Soho Hotel to meet Warner Bros professionals just prior to the launch of the new Wonka blockbuster.

Alongside around 40 other film students and young professionals, Lisa attended a variety of talks and interviews with three of the film’s producers and a costume designer.

Lisa, who is studying A level Art, English Literature and Media Studies, said: ”I spoke to producers of the Wonka film and a costume designer. They were all enthusiastic about their jobs and very helpful when answering my questions. They gave me a new outlook into the industry.”

Accompanied by Highfield student Sammy Stewart, Lisa said that the experience has made her even more enthusiastic about a career in film. She said: “For a while I wanted to be a director but as I learn more about film, the more roles I’m interested in. Ultimately, I aim to have creative control in many films I’m part of, whether that be in cinematography, production or editing.

“It was such a cool experience and showed us how accessible a career in film really is. We did some networking for the first time and spoke to producers of the Wonka film to get further insights into the industry.

“We learnt a lot about film production, costume design and sound design – the day was amazing! It made me even more excited for my future in film and I can’t wait to do more events like this.”