Head’s Blog: Saying Goodbye

On Thursday we had the Y11 leavers’ assembly, followed by Prom on Friday night. It is always an emotional moment as we mark the end of compulsory schooling for all students. Whilst there is some sadness as we say goodbye to students who are not staying for Sixth Form, there is mostly a sense of pride and gratitude as we reflect on the students’ journey at Fearnhill.

I really enjoy attending Prom each year, and this year was no different. It is wonderful to enjoy the laughter, dancing and silly prizes that are awarded, but the greatest satisfaction comes from reflecting on the progress each student has made.

In many cases, we can look back and remember periods of adversity students overcame. Or we reflect on students who have become kind and confident despite displaying more challenging behaviour lower down the school. For the many staff who attended this is the chief privilege of our roles in school: Seeing the transformation of young people over time. It can be hard working in schools at times, but the satisfaction that we share is seeing our students mature into young people with the character and knowledge required to make a positive contribution in their community and in the world.

School is about so much more than just achieving good grades. The leavers’ events are a good reminder of this as we celebrate each student’s inherent value in the school community. To all those students in Year 11 who are leaving us to progress their education and training elsewhere, I would like to extend my very best wishes and my gratitude for all that they have each brought to the Fearnhill community during their time with us.