Musical Treat for GCSE Students

Fearnhill School was pleased to welcome renowned concert pianist Simon Callaghan to deliver a lecture on one of the GCSE music study pieces, Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata

Our year 10 and 11 musicians were joined by fellow GCSE students from Highfield, KTS, Hitchin Boys, Hitchin Girls School, Etonbury and the Priory.

Simon talked in depth about the history of the piano, the development of Romantic music and Beethoven’s key role in this and then about the sonata itself and its structure and features. Simon then finished the lecture by playing the first movement of the sonata from memory and taking questions from the students.

Music teacher Mrs Landsman said: “It was great to see so many GCSE music students engaged and asking interesting and insightful questions.

“The whole event allowed them to gain a much deeper understanding of the piece that will come up in their exam and many were inspired by Simon’s playing of the piece and enthusiasm for the piano and Beethoven’s work.”