Music Making at Fearnhill
Students have been enjoying the Get Playing scheme at Fearnhill, with funding from Herts Music Service for taster woodwind and brass lessons.
Our young musicians have been given a free taster of what music lessons are like and learn the basics of their instrument with the view to them signing up for further lessons and continuing their musical playing career.
Music is such an enriching experience for students as they get to learn discipline, rhythm, timing, perseverance and resilience as well as making many new friends and exploring many opportunities to play and perform. We are really keen to get more students playing musical instruments at Fearnhill.
The Get Playing free-taster scheme deadline has passed now but we hope that there will be further opportunities next year to offer a similar scheme. However, if students would like to learn to play an instrument, they can still sign up for paid peripatetic lessons (and heavy subsidy is available for low income and FSM students via Herts Music Service).
Please follow the link attached or contact us if you need help signing up.
Mrs Landsman & Mr Marlow