Fearnhill School recognises the importance of the holistic development of young people. Our focus on The Fearnhill Student helps ensure that our young people aspire and grow to become productive and wholesome citizens in Great Britain. Through a shared common language and understanding and through use of a Fearnhill Student Logs, students are given weekly opportunities to reflect on their character and learning.
As a member of the Fearnhill community I aspire to be:
I value kindness. I treat others as I would wish to be treated in thoughts, words and actions. I respect the adults in school as the source of authority, listen to the ‘one voice’ in the classroom, and show gratitude in my interactions with others. I look out for others, playing my part in the school, local and worldwide communities.
I am confident , enjoy a challenge and am open to experience. I choose to believe I have value and I can grow as a person and as a learner. I see mistakes and failure as opportunities to learn and be the best I can be. I have a growth mindset.
I am resilient. I come to school on time and ready to learn, even when it’s hard. I address problems as they come and work with others to seek resolutions. I don’t give up when things don’t go as planned. I attempt all work, however challenging. I learn from failure and choose to succeed. I remain focused throughout the lessons, growing as a scholar. No matter my background, wealth, status, creed or race, I will succeed.
I am self-aware, able to reflect on my feelings, words and actions. I use this awareness to develop both as a leader and as part of a team. I take responsibility for my learning and actions and don’t make excuses. I respect the needs of others, recognising my role in the community and my power to support others to succeed. I am proactive and positive in my attitude.
Staff at Fearnhill also seek to develop and model these dispositions themselves.