The ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda is very much at the heart of our student welfare policies and procedures.
Every child belongs to a tutor group and is in the first instance monitored and looked after by a tutor. The Student Development Leader (Head of Year), the Assistant Student Development Leader and the team of tutors are responsible for the welfare of the students.
We have an extensive mentoring and counselling system in place that supports the needs of all of our students. In this we are hugely supported by a host of outside agencies including: a Health Advisor; Connexions Personal Advisors; Outreach workers from the local Education Support Units; Police School Liaison Officers; mentors and translators from the Multi Ethnic Agency; and the Social Services.
We have an extensive PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) Programme throughout the school which offers information and advice on a wide range of issues in interesting and interactive ways.
Please see more information on our PSHCE Policy on our policies page.