
Mrs K Burr


The English Department wants to promote a curiosity about learning and an active interest in language and literature, demonstrating to students how to develop their writing, reading and speaking and listening skills.  Our belief is that all students can enjoy reading, and we aim to encourage this through introducing them to a wide range of texts, both in class and independently at home after our fortnightly guided library lessons. It is fundamental that students continue to develop their vocabulary and comprehension so they can achieve their potential and although this is supported across all subjects, it is at the core of everything we do.

Students are taught in mixed-ability groups from years 7 to 11 and study a range of challenging texts from different time periods and cultures throughout. We intersperse each scheme of learning with specific literacy skills that complement the unit being taught and ensure we are continuing to build confidence and embed the core disciplinary skills and knowledge they will need to be successful at GCSE and beyond.


In Year 7 students’ study:

  • Extracts: Myths and Legends
  • Poetry: Poetry Through the Ages
  • Modern Novel: A Bone Sparrow
  • Non-fiction: You are a Champion
  • Shakespeare play: A Midsummer Night’s Dream


In Year 8 students’ study:

  • Extracts: Dystopian Fiction
  • Poetry: Passport to Poetry
  • Shakespeare: Extracts from Much Ado about Nothing, The Merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night and Hamlet
  • Modern Play: Blood Brothers
  • Victorian Visionaries: Oliver by Charles Dickens


In Year 9 students’ study:

  • Extracts: Gothic Fiction
  • Poetry: Unseen Poetry
  • Novel/Extracts: Diverse Texts
  • Shakespeare play: Macbeth
  • Speaking and Listening and Non-fiction: Inspiring Voices

In the year prior to GCSE study, we focus on developing the maturity and accuracy of students’ reading, writing, and speaking and listening skills. This culminates in the completion of their Speaking and Listening award at the end of year 9 which is an additional certificate that is awarded alongside their English GCSE at either Pass, Merit or Distinction level.

YEAR 10 & 11

Years 10 & 11 students are entered for both AQA GCSE English Language and English Literature.  During this time, students develop the necessary skills to enable them to be successful in the world of work.  They refine their reading, writing and speaking and listening skills.  In addition to this, students also develop and refine their appreciation of a wide range of literary texts including: Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’, Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’, the AQA Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology and Priestley’s ‘An Inspector Calls’.

A flier for an external English Literature Revision course can be found here.

YEAR 12 & 13

In Years 12 and 13, students study AQA A Level A – Option B English Literature. During this time, students read a wealth of English Literature including works by Shakespeare, F Scott Fitzgerald, Margaret Atwood and many more.  They also develop their appreciation of literary techniques and the ability to write critical analysis of unseen texts.  An important part of the course involves the non-exam assessment (NEA) where students have the freedom to choose the books they study and the themes they would like to explore in more depth and detail.



Students get feedback on their progress every half term through an in class marked piece and they are tested on their key vocabulary and the disciplinary knowledge they have picked up in each unit. Twice a year this is a full assessment which is fed back to parents. Over the course of each year they develop their skills of creative, transactional and analytical writing, reading, comprehension, inference and deduction, as well as developing their metacognition, exploratory and presentational speaking and listening.


Year 10: Students get feedback on their progress every half term through an in class marked piece based on the content they have covered. Twice a year this is a full assessment which is fed back to parents. The latter being a full mock of one language and one literature paper at the end of Year 10.

Year 11: Students get feedback on their progress every half term through an in class marked piece based on the content they have covered. They also have two mock periods across the year. They revise and sit one full language and one full literature paper for each.


Year 12: Students get regular feedback on homework and essays completed. There are also two formal assessment periods the latter being when they are assessed on one full paper at the end of the year. They also start working on their NEA in the Summer term of Year 12.

Year 13: Students get regular feedback on homework and essays completed. There are also two mock periods where they are assessed on both full papers that make up their A Level. They also complete their NEA in the Autumn Term of Year 13.



The English Department organises a variety of extra-curricular and enrichment activities including: Books and Biscuits Reading Club, Creative Writing Club and participation in debating competitions. There is also ‘Fearnzine’ a magazine written by the students for the students, which is live on the website here. We also try to organise regular author visits and theatre trips to inspire and develop students’ understanding and enjoyment of English.

At Fearnhill Year 10 Opinion Articles you will find a collection of opinion articles produced by our Year 10 students on a wide range of topics – from religion to music; from social media to snowflakes; from feminism to narcissism.  Some of these are controversial; some are designed to get you thinking; some are intended to make you laugh.  Whatever your reaction, we hope you enjoy!

Teachers work hard to make the lessons exciting. They are always challenging but in an enjoyable way. The staff really go the extra mile to make sure you have understood.

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