
In Business we mean business and are ready to support students to become successful individuals in our society.

Our vision is to train young individuals to become skillful entrepreneurs who learn to take meaningful risks in order to become successful.

At Key Stage Three Business is not taught as a separate subject. It is a GCSE option so is started at the end of Year 9.

YEAR 10 & 11

At Fearnhill we study GCSE (9-1) Business which is made up of two sections.  Business 01 is taught at Year 10 to equip students with the understanding of business activities and marketing. Business 02, taught in Year 11, is designed  to allow students to take a closer look at operations, finance and influences on business.

The final exam is categorised into two parts:

  • Paper 1 (Business 01): Business activity, marketing and people. Marks: 80 Duration: 1 hour 30 mins Weighting: 50%
  • Paper 2 (Business 02): Operations, finance and influences on business Marks: 80 Duration: 1 hour 30 mins Weighting: 50%

The examination board for GCSE Business Studies is OCR.

YEAR 12 & 13

There are choices for students wishing to study Business in the Sixth Form.  A Level Business follows the course with AQA. Students are taught a range of topics from four themes. There are three exams for students to complete at the end of the sixth form.


More details can be found here


Who can I contact if I have any other questions?
Miss Cordon

Can I visit the school to get further information?
Yes. Call the school office on 01462621200 to arrange a visit.