Head’s Blog: Things To Look Forward To
As we approach half term there is lots going on in the life of the school. On Saturday all students taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award went on their practice expedition. This week we have the school production of Oliver running for three nights. When we come back from half term, students in Y8 & 9 will be going on residential trips to a Scout Camp on the edge of London.
I love it that Fearnhill offers these opportunities to students. We want students to leave with good exam grades and students do get the support and teaching they need to succeed. However, we want to help students develop in many other ways too. Exams do not measure confidence, willingness to take risks or teamwork. But we know that attributes like these are vital for students to thrive throughout their lives both professionally and personally.
If you have a child in Year 8 or 9 and they have not yet signed up for the residential, there is still time. The cost is just £20 because a government grant has covered the £250/student cost of the trip. It is a fantastic chance for students to enjoy being outdoors, take part in activities that are not part of their everyday life and make life-long memories. If you would like your child to go and they are not already booked on email admin@fearnhill.herts.sch.uk.
I will look forward to seeing many of you at the show this week. If you have not bought your tickets yet, there are still some tickets available on School Gateway. Good luck to all students taking part!
Mr Tim Spencer, Headteacher