Head’s Blog: The Twelve Days of Fearnhill Christmas
We believe there are times when school should be fun, just for the sake of it. Childhood should be filled with moments of fun, laughter and silliness. To that end we are currently counting down to the end of term with the 12 days of Fearnhill Christmas.
So far
On Day 1 we had a one-day reward point challenge, 7P came out on top with the most reward points in the day. In total over 1500 reward points were given out in one day. On Day 2 each form group made their Christmas top-10 playlist and on Day 3 Mr Phillips (aka ‘DJ Grinch’) played the students’ ten favourite Christmas songs outside during lunch time. Day 4 was the Christmas cracker joke competition: the serious process of judging the best one took place this morning, with 11P winning the coveted prize.
Still to come
This week we have:
- Christmas Karaoke
- Form Room decoration competition
- Christmas crystal growing competition
- Hitchin, Letchworth & Baldock Foodbank collection
- Christmas Bake-off
Everything is building towards Fearnhill Christmas on the last day of term.
Follow the fun
You can see more of how students are getting involved on our social media channels:
- Instagram: @fearnhill_school
- Facebook: @FearnhillSch
- X: @FearnhillSchool
Further down in Fearnfile you can see the students’ Christmas playlist, the winning joke and the list of foods the foodbank are collecting, if you would like to contribute.
The learning continues
Having fun and prioritising learning are not mutually exclusive. The Christmas fun takes place during form time and lunch, but lessons continue as normal. As the end of term approaches there is lots of important curriculum content to cover and good attendance is as important as ever.
I really hope the students continue to enjoy coming to school and embrace the Christmas fun as the end of term approaches. I will send out a letter regarding end of term arrangements later this week.
Mr Tim Spencer, Headteacher