Head’s Blog: School Improvements

I hope you and your family had a relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday. It has been great to be able to welcome so many students – both new and returning – to Fearnhill in the last week. Students have made a positive and purposeful start to the new school year.

Over the summer holidays we have invested £100,000 in improving school facilities. These improvements allow us to keep children safer and improve the learning experience.

Digital displays in classrooms

The quality of the image displayed at the front of the class has an impact on how well students can learn. We have invested in 75” Samsung touch screens for most classrooms. This represents a significant improvement in the learning experience for students and helps teachers to plan more effective learning opportunities for students. Samsung will return to film lessons; they want to use Fearnhill as a showcase school for these state-of-the-art devices.


We have also installed security gates at the front of the school. This is not about keeping children in, but making it hard for intruders to get in. Sadly, we know that schools do occasionally experience unwanted intruders. We have therefore taken steps to make the school more secure.


As mundane as it seems, we know that good toilet facilities matter for children to feel safe in school. We have demolished and rebuilt the main toilets which allows for better supervision. I am very grateful to our site manager, Paul Rainbow, who has overseen this project.

Students in lessons, working hard

Our key message to students at the start of the year is that we want them to take responsibility. It is our job to help students, but for each student to become the person they want to be, they must take responsibility. To do this they need to be in lessons and working hard. Good school attendance is essential for academic and social flourishing. Students who make an effort to produce their best work each day leave school with more opportunities and higher self-esteem.

Your help

We want each student to feel safe and enjoy school. We want them to learn and feel well supported by the adults working in the school. We know that your help is vital in making this happen. As a staff body we look forward to working with you this year to help every child thrive.

Mr Tim Spencer, Headteacher