The end of the school year is a moment for reflection. A chance to look back at what has been achieved this year and forwards to all that we plan to achieve in the new academic year. Thank you to all parents and students who attended our academic review days. I hope you found this a useful opportunity to review learning and attitude and set targets for next year.

Investing in Fearnhill

Over the summer we are investing significantly in school improvement projects to support student wellbeing and safety and to deliver better teaching. You may have seen that gates have been installed at the front of school to reduce the threat posed by potential intruders. We are also demolishing and rebuilding one toilet block to ensure greater privacy for students when they need to use the toilet.

Modernising classrooms

25 classrooms are currently being installed with 75″ Samsung touch screen displays that provide high definition images. This is an exciting investment for the school that we believe will have numerous benefits for students in improving the quality of education. Once these projects are delivered we will then look to make further material improvements to the school environment.

Return to School

We look forward to students returning on Thursday 5th September at 8.30am. Year 7 and 12 will have their induction on Wednesday 4th September. We return to non-summer uniform, which means students are expected to wear shirts, ties and blazers every day.

Thank you

Finally, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support of your children and of our school. Parental support is highly valued by all members of staff and we are grateful for all the ways that you work with us to help every student grow and achieve.

On behalf of all the staff, I would like to wish all our families a restful, peaceful and happy summer break and we look forward to seeing the students for a new school year in September.

Tim Spencer, Headteacher