Head’s Blog: Ending the Year Well

This year the summer term ends on a half day on a Tuesday (23rd July). We have given some thought to how to make best use of the last day and a half. We want every day to be purposeful in supporting students to do their best.

Instead of normal school days, we have decided to conduct parent teacher interviews as part of our academic review days. We need your support more than anything else if we are going to help every child succeed. The review days are similar to the Ready to Learn day we conducted at the start of the year, except that we have taken on board your feedback and made some changes.

There will not be any parent teacher interviews on the first day of the autumn term, instead we will use these academic review days to look back at what students have achieved this year and to look forwards to what students need to do next.

The focus will be personalised to the student. For some students the focus will be on attitude to learning, for others it will be on academic progress in certain subjects or we might focus on study skills. The emphasis is on helping each student as an individual reflect on what they have done and set personalised targets for next year.

I sincerely hope you will be able to attend and that you find the meeting beneficial. I also want to reassure you that we always find these meetings to be helpful because we cannot do our job well without your input.

Thank you for your ongoing support.