Head’s Blog: A Busy Month
It has been an especially busy month in the life of the school. School is more than just lessons and exams and that has been particularly true recently.
Oliver Success
I was blown away by the standard of performance and production in the school show. It was amazing to see so many students showing enthusiasm, commitment and talent throughout the three nights the show ran.
Year 8 & 9 Residential Trips
Most students in Year 8 & 9 have been away for three days to Gilwell Park in London for a residential trip. I joined one of the Year 8 trips; it was a privilege to see students having fun and trying new things. Personally, I was a fan of axe throwing even if I was not especially accurate!
Working with the Poet Laureate
Students in Y10 have been involved in print-making workshops and a group of students went to Letchworth Library to meet Simon Armitage, the Poet Laureate. Many of the students’ poems were selected as examples of outstanding work and students were also praised for their enthusiasm and engagement with the activities.
Alumni Return
On 7th March we welcomed back approximately 60 ex-students to talk to students about their career journeys. It was lovely for me to see many familiar faces from the past and I was inspired to see the how well their career paths are progressing. I know the alumni were very impressed with our current students and enjoyed sharing their advice and experiences with them.
All these events are a reminder of our ongoing commitment to helping each student to develop their talents and grow their character. Education at Fearnhill is broad; it is focussed on supporting each individual student to flourish, whether that is building confidence through a performance, gaining resilience on a residential trip or developing self-awareness via career opportunities. We want Fearnhill to be a vibrant and dynamic community that meets the needs of all students and I think these recent events have provided the scope for more students to thrive in their day to day schooling.
Mr Tim Spencer, Headteacher