GCSE results are a ’cause for celebration’

Students at Fearnhill were apprehensive as they approached the school this morning to collect their long-awaited GCSE results. However, nerves quickly gave way to big smiles as they realised just how well they had done.

Headteacher Liz Ellis said: ‘We are, like schools everywhere, very aware of the challenges this cohort has faced and the importance of today’s results to secure their next steps.

“Fearnhill students have risen to the challenge and we are delighted with our GCSE results.

“The most important thing now is for our students to move successfully on to their next stage, whether here in the sixth form for A Levels, off to college courses or apprenticeships.

“The results are a cause for celebration for students, their families and the teaching and support staff who have worked so hard to make this day happen. The future is bright for these young people! There were many individual successes and we applaud them all.”

Her words were echoed by Tim Spencer, current deputy head and headteacher from September. He said: “The students knew they had to commit themselves to consistent hard work and this has paid off today. The results are a strong basis for all their next steps, whatever they may be. We are excited about the future here at Fearnhill.”