Diversity Assemblies

As a school, we are proud of how our staff and students embrace diversity on a daily basis. Whether it’s welcoming displaced students from another country, facilitating prayer space or simply allowing students to feel comfortable with their life choices, diversity is important to our whole school community.

Deputy head Ms Nunneley led student assemblies to highlight some of the actions we have taken. She said: “The real stars of the assemblies were our students (photographed below with sixthformer Lisa) who have recently joined us who bravely talked to the whole of the school about their experiences of starting at Fearnhill, all from very different backgrounds.

“They talked of their fear and anxiety at starting school in a new country, for some it was their first ever school experience! They then talked of how warm and welcoming the Fearnhill community has been and how they have found teachers to be approachable and helpful and students to be friendly. They love Fearnhill school!”

In classes, teachers have consciously reviewed their curriculum and introduced diversity is such areas as English (looking at non-British inspirational speakers), Geography (Windrush migration), History (the impact of colonialism and the slave trade, looking at areas of the British Empire represented by our school community), Drama (looking at stories and mythology from a range of cultures) and PRE (how we can respect people of different cultures, ethnic groups and sexuality).