Students are able to form the basis for developing democratic principles and practice.
Our overall aim is to listen to, respond to and involve students in all aspects of school life so that all students are able to participate fully as active citizens, take ownership over their education and co-construct their learning with teachers and other parties. The role of the students in the life of the school is vital if we are to further develop as a high performing school which speaks for all its students.
Students work in partnership with staff and each other towards shared goals.
At Fearnhill School we provide opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through a variety of roles which impact positively on areas such as learning, teaching, the school environment, enrichment activities and well-being for students at Fearnhill School. We maximise opportunities to gather student voice that permeate and inform all areas of school life through:
- Consultation with student groups about things that matter in school. The Student Council is pivotal to this process.
- Evaluation of the learning experience.
- Systematic collection and evaluation of the views of pupils, across the spectrum of their school experience.