Schools of Sanctuary

Fearnhill is currently working towards becoming accredited as a School of Sanctuary

Schools of Sanctuary is a national network of around 600 primary and secondary schools, nurseries, and sixth forms all committed to creating a culture of welcome and inclusion for refugees and people seeking asylum. Driven by teachers, school staff, parents, governors and community groups, this network supports the thousands of young people seeking sanctuary in the UK by raising awareness of the issues facing people in the asylum system, challenging misconceptions and building social cohesion.

We are proud that our school is committed to being a place where:

  • Everyone is welcomed
  • Our students are educated about why some people are forcibly displaced
  • We recognise that the UK is enriched by new arrivals
  • We support pupils from all backgrounds to feel seen, supported and included

Working towards becoming a School of Sanctuary involves the whole school:

  • Teaching, pastoral and support staff are involved in fostering a culture of welcome for all our new arrivals, including students seeking sanctuary; age-appropriate learning relating to migration is integrated into the curriculum; our EAL (English as an Additional Language) Tutor provides support to students who have a first language that is not English
  • Students are involved in planning and running events which celebrate diversity and multilingualism, raise awareness of (forced) migration and combat stereotypes/misinformation relating to refugees and asylum seekers
  • Parents are informed of our work in support of the School of Sanctuary award via the website and Fearnfile and are encouraged to get involved
  • Governors are fully supportive of our commitment as a school community to work towards becoming a School of Sanctuary

We are also developing ways to engage the wider community which we serve. We work with other schools in North Hertfordshire and with local refugee charity, Herts Welcomes Refugees, to share information, resources and ideas.

Find out more about the UK-wide Schools of Sanctuary and City of Sanctuary networks.