Head’s Blog: Reviewing Behaviour

A sign of the times

It is a sign of our times that whenever you go for a medical appointment, or get on public transport, or go into a shop, or speak on the phone to someone in a call centre, there is the obligatory reminder that abuse towards staff will not be tolerated. Somewhere along the line being abusive towards those trying to help us has become normalised.

The majority

Last week, I reviewed behaviour points issued so far this term. I was pleased to see that nearly 70% of Fearnhill students have not had a single behaviour point this term. Behaviour points can be issued for relatively minor concerns, such as having a shirt untucked on the corridor. Detentions are only issued to students who get 3 or more points on the same day. It is clearly the case that the large majority of students consistently demonstrate exemplary conduct.

The minority

Unfortunately, there are a small number of students who do disrupt learning and show disrespect towards teachers and peers. I am determined that no student should get away with this. Disrupting learning robs other students of opportunity and can be demoralising for staff. Demonstrating disrespect harms the school community and causes harm in wider society.

No disruption, no disrespect

Over the coming months we shall be reviewing our behaviour systems. The emphasis shall be on how we effectively hold students to account who disrupt learning and disrespect others. This is because I want to defend the rights of the large majority of students who make Fearnhill the vibrant, inclusive and inspiring community that it is.

Disruption and disrespect are a blight on our society and I certainly will do all I can to eradicate it from Fearnhill. If you have thoughts on how we can improve our behaviour policy I would be interested to hear your thoughts.