Head’s Blog: Students have their say

It is easy to feel powerless in the world and unable to bring about change. However, we live in a country where citizens can and do have a say in how the country is run. I want every student to understand that they can make a difference in the world and understand the power of uniting many voices in a single cause.

School council reviews school uniform

We teach students how to advocate for themselves effectively through the school council. Mr Cordwell has worked with the school council all year to review our school uniform policy. The purpose of the uniform is to help students demonstrate their pride in belonging to the school community and to promote equality amongst students. The uniform should also be functional and comfortable.

Students identified that the uniform is uncomfortable during the hot summer months and that this is especially true when there are up to 30 students in one classroom. With this in mind the school council received feedback from all form groups and then worked together to draw up a list of proposals.

Students present proposal to senior leadership team

The school council then met with the senior leadership team to present their proposals for changes along with the rationale for these changes. The council then invited questions from the senior leadership team and we discussed the feasibility of each proposal.

The main proposal related to the summer term. Students asked for polo shirts without ties to be optional uniform items. We all agreed that polo shirts would help students to cope better in hot weather and there was no reason for us to oppose this proposal.

New uniform rules agreed for summer term

As a result I have agreed with governors that students can wear white polo shirts without ties from the start of the summer term. This is great news for students: they now have a uniform which is more comfortable and they have learned something about how to affect change in their community. The school council will continue to meet to discuss important school issues that affect students. I look forward to listening to their ideas and working with the school council to make Fearnhill better.

Tim Spencer, Headteacher