Miss S Straughn
simone.straughn10@fearnhill.herts.sch.ukWe aim to inspire young people to both participate in and enjoy physical activity. By learning key skills and gaining a breadth of experiences students are prepared not only for sport, but for life in and out of school.
At Fearnhill, we aim to provide students with the widest possible experience of physical activity in Years 7, 8 and 9 with a greater degree of specialisation in Years 10 and 11. We ensure pupils participate in and enjoy PE in order for them to improve and learn key skills and experiences that not only prepare them for sport, but also life in and out of school.
Activities in Year 7 include units on – Netball, Basketball, Rugby, Tag Rugby, Football, Badminton, Hockey, Health Related Fitness, Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, Tennis, Table Tennis Rounders, Cricket, Dodgeball, Handball & Lacrosse.
Studying the same activities, students will deepen their level of knowledge in each activity and develop not only higher order skills, but also their tactical and strategic thinking.
As students move into their final year of KS3 PE, the emphasis is on the ability to apply advanced skills and develop fluency and creativity within the activities. As students progress through the key stage they are consistently challenged to improve their consistency and develop the personal attributes associated with successful individuals inside and outside of sport.
YEARS 10 & 11
The aim of Key Stage 4 Core PE is to provide students with activities that will encourage them to take part in a healthy and active lifestyle beyond school life.
For GCSE we follow the AQA syllabus. This is made up of: Theory 60%, externally examined, Practical 40%, internally assessed/externally moderated. GCSE PE is open to students who excel in science and participate in school teams or external sports clubs. We do expect students to have shown full participation, enthusiasm and appropriate conduct during their KS3 PE lessons.
Additionally we offer the BTEC Level1/2 Award in Sport from Edexcel. This is equivalent to a GCSE and is an additional option for students who may be better suited to the qualification rather than GCSE PE.
YEARS 12 & 13
KS5 A-Level Physical Education: AQA. The course is 30% practical assessment based on performance in one sport and the analysis of another individual’s performance in that sport. 70% is then assessed through 2 exams which focus on a wide range of sporting concepts which develop on from GCSE PE. Students will have 9 hours of teaching across a fortnight whilst studying this course and it is essential that further reading and studying takes place outside the classroom to sufficiently cover all topics.
More details can be found below.
http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/physical-education/gcse/physical-education-8582 - A Level
PE groups are taught in mixed sets as we feel it is imperative to provide an inclusive and supportive environment for all. This further challenges our students to reach their potential. All pupils are given the opportunity to further their understanding of performing skills as well as by leading, coaching and officiating peers or groups of peers. Pupils will also be given a detailed knowledge of the human body and how to lead an active healthy and balanced lifestyle. Throughout the year the school will compete at house competitions in PE which are rounded off with a whole school sports day in the summer term.
PE Clubs and Practices
Details of our Spring term PE clubs and practice sessions can be viewed HERE.