Admission Arrangements

Admission into Year 7 in September of each year is governed by the Hertfordshire County Council secondary transfer arrangements. Parents are invited to visit the school and meet staff and students and attend a formal presentation. Further information and application forms may be obtained from the school. The admission limit for the September 2024 entry was 120.

Full details of Fearnhill’s Determined Admissions Arrangements for 2024-25 can be viewed HERE.

For 2025-26, they can be viewed HERE.

In Year Admissions

Fearnhill has limited spaces in some year groups. If you are interested in applying, simply follow this link to the Local Authority:

and make an application via the ‘In year admissions’ tab. We look forward to hearing from you.

Support for hosts and Ukrainian families with Secondary age children

In Year Applications can be made for Ukrainian children via the County Admissions Team and processed under the Fair Access Protocol. The applications can be submitted by the host families in advance of the Ukrainian families arriving, however the County Admissions Team will not allocate a school place until they have arrived into the UK.  You can follow this process by clicking the link below: